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artıfıcıal ıntellıgence

ToALx, AI Change the world with the power of artificial intelligence.


We lead the way in AI innovation with our cutting edge 3d assistant products AI mind, Atlas AI, and AI doctor, revolutionizing personal assistance, task management, and healthcare.

ToALx is a technology company specialized in artificial intelligence (AI). We provide our clients with innovative and effective AI solutions in areas such as data analysis, machine learning and natural language processing. Our AI service helps businesses increase their efficiency, reduce costs and expand into new markets.​

At the forefront of AI innovation in our country, we are proud to present our groundbreaking 3D assistant products: AI MIND, ATLAS AI, and AI DOCTOR. Each of these intelligent systems represents the next step in artificial intelligence, designed to revolutionize the way we interact with technology.


Our company specializes in data science, deep learning methods, machine learning and natural language processing.


We help our clients transform their businesses by providing next generation AI solutions.


ToALx is one of the leading AI companies in Türkiye and is proud to work with clients across many industries.

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