The virtual reality (VR) technology is a computer- generated environment with scene and objects taken from real life, making the users feel they are immersed with their surroundings .
Step into the world of practical learning from theoretical lessons with Augmented Reality: Scan images, press virtual buttons to bring objects to life, and watch videos to learn more. Explore knowledge in a whole new way! An interactive journey for students and educators.
This environment is perceived through a device ,made by ToALx technology . This device is known as a virtual reality headset.
Our main goal of making this technology is to provide the users an experience from real life situations without being there in reality. the users using our VR technology can perform a heart surgery or they can improve the quality of spor training without being in that situation in real life.
Augmented reality is an interactive experience that enhances the real world with computer-generated perceptual information. With special and an unique software, apps, and hardware such as AR glasses, Toalx Technology is augmenting the reality overlays digital content inti real-life environments and objects. This enriches the user experience and turns one’s immediate surroundings into an interactive learning environment which is particularly valuable in manufacturing and Industry 4.0 processes.
The Augmented Reality technology made by Toalx technology works by superimposing digital information onto real world objects to create a 3D experience that allows users to interact with both the physical and digital worlds.
An AR-enabled device, such as smart glasses, a tablet, or a smartphone from ToALx Technology, uses its camera to identify a physical object or environment, like machinery or a warehouse. A digital twin a 3D replica stored in the cloud by ToALx Technology connects the real and virtual worlds by collecting data from both. The device downloads information from the cloud and overlays it on the object using markers like GPS, accelerometers, and orientation sensors, creating a mixed-reality 3D interface.
Our main goal with this technology is to present our users a better and more innovative life and make them have an experience of real life feelings and senses . The mechanism ,which is made for copying the real life ,is made to an immersive experiences of the real life situations