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Vırtual Maıntenance Kıt

The most advanced virtual maintenance solution in the industry, bringing the virtual world together with real maintenance.

Experience the next generation of virtual maintenance with ToALx VBK and revolutionize your production processes!

1453 is an innovative game project that allows you to experience the conquest of Istanbul in 1453 interactively with virtual reality (VR) and projection devices. In this project, you can participate in the conquest of Istanbul as a commander of the Ottoman army, besiege the city and make the conquest a success.


1453 is an innovative game project that allows you to experience the conquest of Istanbul in 1453 interactively with virtual reality (VR) and projection devices. In this project, you can participate in the conquest of Istanbul as a commander of the Ottoman army, besiege the city and make the conquest a success.


  • Expert Help Always at Your Side: With ToALX VBK, experienced technicians and engineers are always just a call away. Get instant solutions to your problems with 24/7 support and expert consulting.

  • Augmented Reality Support: Use augmented reality guidance to solve complex problems. Easily perform repair and maintenance tasks with visual step-by-step instructions and 3D modeling.

  • Predictive Maintenance: Predict failures in advance and generate proactive solutions with data-driven analytics and artificial intelligence algorithms. Minimize unplanned downtime and optimize your operations.

  • Ease of Use: Easily use VBK with its user-friendly interface and mobile application. Save time and access all information instantly with intuitive design and customizable reporting.

  • ToALX Guarantee: Trust the reliability of VBK with ToALX's of industry experience and expertise. We are always by your side with our global solution network and extensive authorized service network.

  • Visual Identity:

  • Modern and innovative design language, combining virtual and real-world elements

  • A color palette that emphasizes trust, technology, and innovation with blue and green tones

  • Visual elements that are consistent with ToALX's branding and reflect the corporate identity

  • Industry-specific visual designs and icons

  • Marketing Strategy:

  • Website and Digital Channels: Content, videos, infographics, and blog articles explaining the benefits of VBK

  • Social Media: Interactive content, targeted advertising, and influencer collaborations

  • Tailored for Potential Customers: VBK demos and presentations, free trials, industry-specific solutions

  • Case Studies: Case studies that tell the stories of customers who successfully use VBK

  • Industry Fairs and Events: VBK presentations, live demos, and expert presentations

  • Unique Advantages of ToALX VBK:

  • An integrated solution with artificial intelligence and IoT technologies developed by ToALX

  • VBK packages customized to your industry and business

  • Comprehensive training and technical support

  • Data security and cyber protection

  • Target Audience:

  • Production facility managers and engineers

  • Maintenance and repair teams

  • Businesses that want to increase efficiency and productivity

  • Large-scale manufacturing companies

  • Companies with complex and critical equipment

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